Creating Policy
Eradicating racial inequity in the US will require bold, transformative policy change. Our Policy team develops policies, convenes leaders of color, and advises policymakers at the local, state, and federal levels. We aim to ensure that policies serve the material needs of people of color today while also transforming our economic relationships within a generation. We take care to center the needs of Black marginalized genders in the development of our policy positions.
LibGen believes the Liberation Economy should be anchored by a set of policies that guarantee respect, dignity, and power to people of color. We are hosting engagements to learn in community and co-design these policies with leaders of color.
More on Liberation Guarantees coming soon
Corporate Power
Corporations have undue, outsized power in our economy – and that means lower wages for workers of color; poorer environmental quality for residents of color; less choice for consumers of color; and the proliferation of oppressive practices like surveillance, criminalization, and predation of youth of color.
While corporations will likely exist within this generation, we do not need to allow them to uphold systems of oppression. LibGen is convening advocates, researchers, and activists to explore: What is the role of corporations in a Liberation Economy? What systems and structures must be dismantled for communities of color to thrive? What new systems and structures do we need to build and improve on to move to a Liberation Economy?
More on Corporate Power coming soon